by Ron


by Ron


By Ron S. LaVine, MBA, President and Founder of Accelerated Sales Training >

Enter Your Full Name:

Create Your Title: Include, as many Key Search Words your prospects would use to search for your solutions.

For example: Technology Sales Specialist in the areas of: [Choose your own words or from this list]

Application Development

B2B Integration

Big Data

Business Analytics

Business Integration

Business Intelligence

Business Performance Management Software

Business User

Cloud Business Intelligence


Compliance Reporting

Corporate Performance Management

Customer Service

Customer Success


Data Analysis

Data Governance

Data Integration

Data Integrity

Data Processing

Data Quality Management – DQM

Data Warehousing



Enterprise Application Integration

Enterprise Data Quality

Enterprise Reporting

Enterprise Software

ERP Integration

Infrastructure Software

Key Performance Indicators

MDM – Master Data Management

Messaging Integration


Performance Management Software

Predictive Analytics Software

Reporting Software

Self Service Data Analysis

Service Oriented Architecture – SOA

Social Media

Social Media Analytics

Software Technical Support

Software Technology Blogger

Software Technology Value

Web Reporting


Enter Your Location:

Enter Your Industry:


Click Edit Contact Info to see the following fields

Enter Your Email:

If applicable, Enter Your Instant Messenger: For example: Skype: ron.lavine123.

Enter Your Cell Phone Number: (___) _____-__________

Choose Address:

If applicable, Choose

Enter your email:  ____________ @ [your company].com

Enter Your Company Contact Information

Enter Your Office Address, Phone and Fax

Enter Your Email

Enter Your Email (again) ____________ @ [your company].com


Twitter Name?

Enter your Twitter name.

[If you do not have a Twitter Name, go to and choose your name and middle initial if it is available] For example: @ronslavine.


WeChat Name?

Enter your WeChat name.

Click on the little pencil and follow the instructions. You will to go to the store app on your phone and enter WeChat. Then you will need to be able to scan a code into your phone. For example: ronslavine.


Websites? Enter at least 3 different websites.

Company Website:


General Information Request or Free Consultation:

Upcoming Events?

Enter any upcoming events.


This is below the DONE EDITING BUTTON.

Click EDIT to Choose your name as a customized LinkedIn URL

[For example:]



Write a Summary


Start by writing a 2000 character maximum description full of key search words and be sure to include your contact information.



Create a Title for Your Job For example: Technology Sales Specialist in the areas of:

If you have some content to share with competitors, prospects and customers, then click to add a video, image, document, presentation. Select from a list of options


Top Skills…

Enter your skills using key search words for what skills you would like to receive endorsements from other LinkedIn Users. These are some examples:

Account Management


Business Development

Call Centers


Enterprise Software

Lead Generation

Market Research


Marketing Strategy


You also know about…

Enter more of your business skills or interests using key search words. These are some examples:


New Business Development




Sales Management

Sales Process


Selling Skills

Social Media

Software Industry

Strategic Planning



Enter the Job Title you Created with Key Search Words.

If you have some content to share with competitors, prospects and customers, then click to add a video, image, document, presentation. Remember your competitors will have access to this content too.

Select from a list of options


Enter a Prior Job Title(s) also using key search words if you want.

If you have some content to share with competitors, prospects and customers, then click to add a video, image, document, presentation. Remember your competitors will have access to this content too.

Select from a list of options



If applicable, Enter where you went for your under graduate, graduate and post graduate degrees.

If you have some content to share with competitors, prospects and customers, then click to add a video, image, document, presentation. Remember your competitors will have access to this content too.

Select from a list of options



Write down a list of any places you have had your writing or comments published.



List any organizations where you were a member or are currently a member.


Additional Organizations

List any additional organizations where you were a member or are currently a member.



List any professional certifications or licenses you had or have.



List any projects you have been a part of.



List any work related or professional courses.


Volunteer Experience & Causes

List any Volunteer Experience & Causes you support.


Opportunities you are looking for:

List any ways you would you like to donate your time and talent.

Read More Next Issue…



Copyright by Accelerate Your Sales Results, Inc.’s Live Cold Call Sales Training™


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